Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Get excited.

Why you ask?

Because today's post is coming full-blown with pictures courtesy of my awesome new phone! I can not even begin to contain my excitement.

Side note: I am not a person that buys the up and coming phones. Until now, my phone has served two purposes: 1. To make and receive phone calls 2. To text. UNTIL NOW!

Friday night was my sweet, sweet friend Jenn's 26th birthday! How do you celebrate someone so awesome? By going to play Bingo of course. (These two photos I stole from her ;) no new phone at that point in the weekend):

Please ignore how tired I am looking. I was very tired at this point. Half of my office was out sick last week and I was desperately fighting being sick as well.

After bingo Sean and I went home and I promptly went to bed. I am so lame these days. 24 going on 65, that's me!

Saturday morning I woke up bright and earlyish and went for a nice interval run before coming home and pulling my sweet husband out of bed to run errands (good thing he loves me!)

That's when we went to Verizon and I became the proud new owner of the Droid X. I am so hip now, it's unbelievable. ;)

Then we went and took care of some bank things, I put together a big photo collage of our wedding that is now hanging in our living room (picture tomorrow), Sean stained our kitchen table (picture tomorrow), I grocery shopped, and by 7pm was ready for bed. Just kidding. But really... we watched a couple episodes of 24 and I went to bed (I told you - party animal, right here).

Sunday I woke up and decided to make blueberry pancakes.







We devoured them. And they.were.AWESOME.

Then we went and saw The Adjustment Bureau - we both liked it, and I love me some Matt Damon.

It was SUCH a beautiful day out that when I got home I laced up and drove over to the neighborhood I ran my first 5k in (and the neighborhood I plan to live in one day... but that's beside the point...) and proceeded to run a (slow) 6-7 miles. It was gorgeous.

This is me quite happy after running that long:

Sean and I made burgers for dinner. Good, honest-to-goodness, beef burgers. This might not sound like a big deal, but for those of you that don't know:

1. I never eat burgers

2. I am a turkey-burger girl through and through

But sometimes you just need a good burger. Well, kind of. I made mine into a salad :)


How much better are posts full of pictures?!?! I agree :)


  1. YEA! I love posts with pictures :)

    My hubs so wants to go play bingo one day. Where's the good places to go?

  2. I haven't played bingo in ages- I have many memories of going with my mom and grandma as a child to play with them. Those pancakes look so yummy! Sleep has been my favorite thing to do lately too- can't get enough during the week, so I'm happy to spend my weekends catching up.

  3. Thank You for the sweet words!! I just love you! Anndd you are NOT old or LAME, I was exhausted that next day after staying out too late!!! I was so excited to see you and get to chat a little :)
