

12/05 Mistletoe 5k (aka FIRST RACE EVER!): 28:41


01/30 EP5k: 26:42
02/19 Chik Fil A 5k: 25: 25:05
03/12 Shamrock 5k: ??
03/20 Warrior Dash: ?? (didn't race for time, raced with dad)
04/09 Blue Bell 5k: 24:44
05/01 Gator Chase 5k: 23:18 (1st in 20-29)
06/11 FunFest Run by the Bay 10k: 51:13 (1st in 25-29) PR
07/16 Lunar Rendezvous 5k 23:14 PR
11/13 Rock 'n Roll San Antonio Marathon