Sunday, June 19, 2011

Weekly Workout Recap, Week 4

Isn't it weird how vastly different runs can be? This week was an exceptionally good week for me as far as my runs went, as opposed to my mostly crap runs last week.

What I was supposed to be doing:

Monday: Rest/Cross-training day
Tuesday: 5 miles @ 9:59 min/pace
Wednesday: Rest/Cross-training day
Thursday: 5 miles @ 9:59 min/pace
Friday: Rest/Cross-training day
Saturday: Rest/Cross-training day
Sunday: 5 miles @ 9:59 min/pace

What really happened:

Monday: Rest day
Tuesday: 5 miles; 1st mile @ 10:00 min/pace, next 4 miles @ 9:50 min/pace
Wednesday: Jackie Warner Power Circuit Training DVD (40 min)
Thursday: 5 miles @ 9:50 min/pace; 10 min long & limber Pilate's
Friday: Jackie Warner Power Circuit Training DVD (40 min)
Saturday: 45 min on elliptical
Sunday: 10 miles @ 9:27 min/pace

Overall planned miles: 15

Overall actual miles: 20

I had planned on doing Jackie Warner's DVD on Monday, but when I woke up my whole body was tired. I imagine it has to do with running 7 miles Saturday and then 2 + yoga on Sunday. At any rate, I can tell when I need a break, and I definitely needed it, so I took the day off.

I did both Tuesday and Thursday's 5 mile runs on the treadmill because for whatever reason I just couldn't get motivated to go face the heat and humidity. Call me crazy. They both went pretty well, I felt good through both of them and I had AC, can't complain about that!

The Jackie Warner DVD made me SORE. I was a little nervous about running after doing it, because my legs were pretty sore, but it didn't really affect my runs. I love being sore after doing weights and I think I need to strength train more. I know Hungry Healthy Happy hates weight training, but I don't mind it so much :)

We went out on Friday night to Wild River to see some friends from college and see Aaron Watson play (he was awesome).

We had a TON of fun, but got home really late and I was worn out on Saturday.

We had a pretty jam packed Saturday as it was because Sean's nephew's (my nephew's?) second birthday was Saturday morning and then Sean's parents came over and hung out at our house for a while after. Somehow I made it to the gym around 3ish and cranked out 45 minutes on the elliptical. It wasn't easy or pretty, but I got it done with the help of Men in Black. I know a lot of people love the elliptical, but I am just not one of those people.

I met Britt at 7 this morning to do the 10 miles that I skipped last week courtesy of the Funfest race. Normally I am a solo runner, so it was really nice to switch it up and have a running buddy. We chatted the whole time and the first 9 miles flew by. The last mile was brutal for me because my shin was starting to bother me, but we got it done. We went to a park that I never run at, and it made for a really pretty run, definitely going to have to go back there!

I came home and did 20 minutes of Pilate's because I am the world's worst stretcher and yoga/Pilate's is about the only way I get it in, and now I am dead.

And by dead I mean I'm eating a massive salad, doing laundry, and putting off vacuuming and mopping. Boring.

Do you normally do all your house chores on a certain day? I try to do one thing a day so that it doesn't all stack up on the weekend. But I am running behind this week. Oops.

Anyone do anything exciting this weekend?! Any races? I love spending time with both of my family's, and I got to see Sean's familia yesterday and get to see mine today. And I was super excited about doing a long run with a friend, THANK YOU BRITT!


  1. I try to do my laundry on Sunday's, but so far that's not happening today.

  2. Oh I'll have to do a post on my cleaning "schedule". I've broken the house into 4 zones and I have a checklist that we have to abide by. Most of our cleaning is done on Sunday but with kiddos, we do laundry constantly... it can't all be done on Sunday... No races this weekend, 8 mile long run.

  3. I don't have a schedule for cleaning, but whenever I decide to get it done it all happens at once!
    Great week of running/workouts!

  4. Oh, maybe someday I will love strength training! Until then, I will just read about other people doing it and then feel super guilty when I don't! ;)

    I try to do one chore a day after work so I don't have to do them on the weekends. Then I can just relax on a long Saturday morning run, or veg out in front of Food Network on Sunday morning with my coffee.


    I kinda wanted to go to Aaron Watson Friday, I wish I had better communciation and I could of mentioned that to you... ugh!! ha! Aaron Watson is great, our first dance song is by him :)

    So umm is that girl next to you in the pic Krystal by chance? It looks like her but IDK for sure...

  6. I enjoyed the 10 miles yesterday! That was probably the most exciting thing I did all weekend. As for the house cleaning, it usually just happens whenever I have time.

  7. I can be like you sometimes when it comes to setting out my goals. I always go to the TM with a goal in mind and sometimes I just go a little bit farther. I am always pushing myself.
    I had a nice relaxing weekend, laying out by the lake and having a dinner by the river for Father's Day/

  8. Nice job this week!
    Yeah I do all chores on Sunday. Mostly bc I have thrown all my clothes on the floor the entire week! I need a maid. Or a boyfriend that likes to do that stuff. haha.
