Thursday, July 7, 2011

3 Things Thursdayyy

There's still time to enter the giveaway!

1. I hit a really bad lull this week with training. I've been going at marathon training pretty hard lately and this week I hit a big fat brick wall. Every.single.workout has been a HUGE struggle. Once I get there I'm OK, it's just the getting there part that has been a little rough...

2. This little book, courtesy of this beautiful BFF of mine, has been a HUGE lifesaver. HUGE. I love writing in my workouts and how I felt during them so that I can look back and see what factored into what when I'm reviewing my weekly workouts.

3. I am the most miserable shopper known to man (woman?)... And I hate the mall. With a serious passion. I used to be a magnificent shopper, but I think after working at the outlet mall in San Marcos that it stripped me of my desire to shop.

Hate the mall or love it?

Do you track your workouts? If so, how?


  1. I am not a big fan of shopping whatsoever. I'm the type that goes in a store look around and leave in a few minutes. malls are not my friend.

  2. I love the mall!! I track my workouts in I like it because you can your progress at any time and they send you a weekly report of all your different workouts (running, cross training, etc.)

  3. I like that book idea! I track my workouts in Weight Watchers online right now, but I never look back at them. I totally would if I had a book. I need to get one of those!

  4. I really like the book idea too. I currently track on dailymile but I like to write stuff down and keep it way too long for memory sake.

    I'm not a good shopper anymore, but I'm decent as an online shopper. I have a few brands that I know my size in and I stick to watching for massive sales.

  5. haha. I hate the mall too. I love shopping at tiny shopping centers with like 5 shops, but the Galleria (and South Coast Plaza here in Orange County) scare me.

  6. HATE the mall. prefer to shop on-line. haha! no crowds...oh and strollers. hate, hate, hate strollers. haha!

    that looks like a cool book and a great gift idea for fellow runners, too!

  7. I hate the mall but I do love to shop, I just don't like all the people and it being so busy all the time...annoying.
    I usually log my workouts on my blog and I also like logging them on my daily calendar. I love looking back and seeing how much I have improved if I am working on my endurance.

  8. I don't love the mall, but I do enjoy shopping. I get easily annoyed when there are a million people there and people just randomly stop in front of you and then you practically run over them. GRRR! So annoying!

    I like to write my workouts on a calendar, but lately I have just been putting them on the "Work it Out" page on my blog.

  9. I have that Runner's Log too and love it! It's one of the best I've found. I track all of my workouts in it and I keep a very simple marathon training plan in Excel to make sure I'm keeping up with everything.

    I seriously hate the mall. It puts me in SUCH a bad mood! I'm a horrible shopper, that's for sure.

  10. cant STAND the mall anymore! I used to work at the mall too!

  11. I'm SO glad you are still loving your book! I'm all about all the new APPS and fun technology gadgets to use for various things like keeping track of your running, calories, etc. but there is nothing like paper and pen to keep record of things and be able to look back on days, weeks, months, of years down the line :)
